Saturday, November 15, 2008

Luck of the Draw -- i Should go buy a lottery ticket!

So Davis has decided that he can climb all over the couch and that its okay..... (he truly is all boy!!!) and for weeks have caught him over on the couch climbing onto the end tables just all over the place!! Well last night was his lucky night he climbed up on the couch and onto our coffee table and within SECONDS!! you know what i mean the lamp was shattered into a million pieces onto the floor....Of course his dear dad wasn't happy to hear the news and made a comment to the effect of "well you might as well let him knock over the other lamp and take care of it too" (eye roll here) LMAO today as i returned home from my Saturday coffee (alone no kids (shock here!) ) i settled in to get myself motivated to clean as well as get Kennedyanne ready to go with her gran, When i yet again heard that familiar sound of shattering glass upon the floor (ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!??????) YEP but Davis was not the guilty party, Older sister Kennedyanne wanted to grab the plastic chair that was over in the corner, of course the cord to the lamp had to be caught on one of the legs of the chair and as she pulled the lamp fell and as they say now you know the rest of the story..............We have one lamp left in 1 piece the standing lamp in the corner and if by chance it goes today i'm definitely buying a lottery ticket.....WELL GOTTA GO!!! Kennedyanne just asked about a cord caught by the lamp in the corner!!!!!!

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